Thursday, December 14, 2017

December Blog Post

My goal for first semester in BOAT was to begin to get deeper in the SAMR model and begin using modification and redefinition more (at least once in each SS unit), because I feel I stay in the substitute and augmentation stages more often than not.

I feel I've done pretty well with this. In my first SS project I had students create a video about their region. Kids were able to research their region of the US, then they worked together to write a script, record themselves in front of a green screen, then edit their videos adding music and sound effects. It was a great project that really went beyond in the SAMR model.

My second project was a colonies video where students were able to use iMovie like last time or they could use Video Pro (whatever it's called) or ShowMe. They created a video detailing information on the colonies. This time I had my expectations a bit more set in stone with questions, so many ended up writing it and doing more of a reporter/interviewee type of a video, which was really cute. We played around more with editing this time adding captions along with music and worked to make sure the music didn't overpower, but helped the video.

I would say I've begun to meet my goal, but I've really stuck with videos, so I need to branch out in other technologies to create lessons that reach the MR stages of SAMR.